Saving Memories With Taxidermy


Most people have an animal mounted to look at on the wall. But why, what is the reason for Taxidermy? I believe its to recreate and exact moment in time while hunting or fishing. To save a trophy and make a memory out of it.

With that being said my daughter Delaney at the age of 13 harvested her first turkey. I roosted the bird the night before and on the opening morning we were in place at the base of our tree. When the sun began to rise the birds started gobbling. It was a beautiful morning to say the least. At fly down time one bird flew just over our heads and landed mere feet behind us. To my surprise there were two birds roosted together. The second bird then flew down right in front of us about twenty yards away,  Delaney had her gun up, in position, and made the shot. It was a fast but great hunt that will be cherished forever.

To honor her hunt I decided to do a full fan mount. However she didn’t want the standard turkey feet hanging on the plaque. So I came up with an alternative idea that she really liked. I just took the spurs and added a couple feathers to each side. She loved the way it turned out and so did I. It made it a little more pleasing to the eye and I have had several other customers that liked it as well…



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Steve Yawn is 46 years old and has been hunting for over 32 years.Turkeys are his favorite quarry . Steve is a Pro-staff member for TenPoint crossbows and has been a taxidermist for over 12 years.