Monday, March 10, 2025
Page 6
When we relaunched our taxidermy business website recently, we decided to add a " History" page. I wanted to talk about the growth and changes of Stehling's Taxidermy over the last 40 years. When I started looking into our families history more in depth , what I found was almost shocking. The catalyst for much of my research actually started...
There are many challenges in taxidermy from time to time and more than often it’s a daily occurrence inside the lab of the Taxidermy Journal. If it’s one thing I have learned over the years, it is that a taxidermist must be innovated. Composition and design is a prerequisite in becoming a good taxidermist and to tell you the...
It has often been said that catfish do not make good skin mounts, and that it is almost impossible to get a quality product doing them this way.  I am never one to back down from the so called impossible. When my client asked for a skin mount for his prized catfish, I agreed to take it on. I will...
After receiving a phone call one day this past fall I began thinking about writing this article and how I wanted to approach it. I didn’t want to make it about how and why to price your services a certain way. I think that dead horse has been pretty well beaten over the years. Besides from my past experiences, you...
This forum post has some interesting info on recreating a deformed deer's mouth and nose. Forum Post  
TTN- Bass Pro Shop CEO Johnny Morris released a letter today to the employees and customers of both Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's . The letter is in response to the recent acquisition of Cabala's by Bass Pro. The major take away here is that for the time being it will be business as usual at both stores, and...
TTN- Bass Pro Shops has bought Cabela's for $5.5 billion. The two outdoor retailer giants can now better position themselves against lower cost dealers like Wal Mart and online retailers like Amazon. We have heard that the strong point of sales for the companies is firearms over the last few years, as clothing and other sales have flattened out. The...
Great post on the forums by member Marshy Creek on mounting a Snowy Egret . CHECK IT OUT HERE
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