Monday, March 10, 2025
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Black-Tailed Jack Rabbit
Never let someone tell you that it can’t be done   Every now and then you take in a specimen that you have never mounted before, right? I mean no one person can say that they have mounted every single bird, fish, mammal or reptile on earth. If so, I haven’t met them. Well that happened to me recently, a local...
As we enter into the hunting seasons, the proverbial topic of setting prices comes up as sure as the leaves fall. I think it is time for some straight talk on the subject. Before I begin, I need to set the stage for my perspective on the topic. I  co own a national taxidermy business with my brother, Austin that...
Promo videos have become very popular with the advent of online streaming as a way for businesses to get across a message. One of the more popular video presentations within the promo video world are called explainer videos. Explainer videos often rely heavily on some form of animation.They hold the viewers attention and clearly convey a message. These types...

Proper Guard Setting

Proper Guard Setting
ON YOUR FLESHING MACHINE By D. Price The #1 question I get, time and time again on fleshing machines is how do you determine where to set the guards? I answer, there is no magic number, it is not necessarily 1/8” or ¼” it is a feel thing that is only learned with experience. That truly is the only way I...
IMO, there is no cheaper or easier way to make a custom body, than wrapping your own. when I was taught how to do this, almost 40 years ago, if you didn't wrap, you most likely did not do birds, since foam bodies were just starting to emerge for taxidermists. the materials needed were, and still are cheap, and...
Photo courtesy of McKenzie Taxidermy Supply TTN-McKenzie Taxidermy Supply has purchased Knoblochs Chemicals, effective October 18th 2016. The products will be manufactured and shipped from McKenzie's Granite Quarry North Carolina headquarters and stocked at their distribution centers across the country.   Here is a copy of McKenzie's official press release : McKenzie Taxidermy Supply is proud to announce that Knoblochs Chemicals is now...
I used to hate the forms that came with the two threaded rods sticking out. I found them very limiting and aggravating to get on and off. Especially for large mounts. I have tweaked my methods over the year's and here's my latest and most productive method so far. I like to use square tubing. I went to a local...

Deer Hoof Gun Rack

Deer Hoof Gun Rack
Simplifying a Quick Money Maker All businesses need cash flow, and quick cash flow is always there if you just look for it and not turn it away just because it is a small job. If you simplify these jobs where you can knock them out quickly but still give a professional product to your client, you can really capitalize...
Here is a short tutorial on molding a catfish. Due to the oily nature and skin of catfish, molding and casting is a good way to go. The pictures will do much of the talking. Our fine specimen -A 13" bullhead. As you can see, the fish is slightly dried out and shrunken in. This is common for catfish that have...
Most people have an animal mounted to look at on the wall. But why, what is the reason for Taxidermy? I believe its to recreate and exact moment in time while hunting or fishing. To save a trophy and make a memory out of it. With that being said my daughter Delaney at the age of 13 harvested her first...
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