






As I sit in this boat and look at the sky

I watch all the animals as they go by

The birds soar freely through the evening air

Manatees watching their young with delicate care

At times the alligators watch from a far

This is true nature, not some stuffy bar

A sunset that’s incredible what an awesome sight

It won’t be long now, here comes the night

The fish bite sporadically, a few at a time

Bright stars and the moon, look at how they shine

Mosquitoes starting to buzz, and sometime they sting

Listen to the frogs as they begin to sing

An occasional bat will fly around our poles

Can you hear the distant thunder as it rolls?

When I’m here I leave all my troubles far behind

Such a peaceful place for someone to unwind

What a beautiful world God has given for all to see

When I go fishing my soul is cleansed and feels so free!



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Steve Yawn is 46 years old and has been hunting for over 32 years.Turkeys are his favorite quarry . Steve is a Pro-staff member for TenPoint crossbows and has been a taxidermist for over 12 years.