Monday, March 10, 2025
Page 7
The Economy & Taxidermy — How changing economic times effect taxidermists. Very little has been written on how the economy effects taxidermists.  The truth is , taxidermy has had a good run economically over the last 40 years. Growing up in the taxidermy business and owning a second generation studio that has been operational for over 40 years gives me a...
This article is by TTN Author D. Price Having trouble getting the hair patterns to line up properly around the nose on your deer heads? How about shrinkage or wrinkled nose pads once dry? There is a simple answer for these issues. It is proper thinning and prep of the skin long before it is mounted. The less tissue that...
Visit the Taxidermy Talk forums to network with members, catch up on the latest news and learn new techniques . Join the forum and ask questions relating to taxidermy and business. Our experts will give you a timely answer !  
  This Article is from TTN author, D. Price      Still, I receive “How To” questions regularly because I use a burr to burr incision. Folks who are not used to this method have trouble picturing exactly how to set the antlers. So, I decided to break it down step by step to help explain exactly how I pull this off. Here...
October 16th 2016 by Aaron Stehling - Taxidermy Talk News To celebrate the start of hunting season, we have revamped the website. The new site features an expanded news section on the home page that covers Taxidermy Industry News, Business , Tech, and Sponsor updates. You will see the stories covered under " Taxidermy Talk News". Have something we should...
What are Facebook Tracking Pixels and why you should be using them on your website. Facebook tracking Pixels provide a very powerful way for you to build custom audiences for your Facebook ad campaigns and track how users interact with the content on your website.   What are Facebook Tracking Pixels? There are many different types of Facebook Tracking Pixels and they all...
Why you should be blogging in 2016 And tips on how to do it Blogs are one of the key tools for growing your business online and influencing potential clients to use your brand. Blogs are also the easiest, most cost effective way to spread awareness and encourage engagement.   Blogs are essential for Search Engine Optimization Every time you create a blog post you are...
    Oct 16th 2016- Aaron Stehling for Taxidermy Talk News UPS rate increases UPS has announced it will be raising it's rates for 2017. The new rates go into effect December 26th 2016 . As many of us in the taxidermy industry are aware, the cost of our supplies is effected directly by these increase, as well as the cost of having...
  Oct 15th 2016 - Aaron Stehling for Taxidermy Talk News   Online video streaming web site is now offering ALL of it's videos has individual buys with forever access. In the past some videos could only be viewed with a paid monthly subscription. You can now pick and choose exactly what you want to watch, and only pay a...
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